I suspect that this post may be universally upsetting to Jews, Arabs and many Christians.  I believe that Jesus called for ALL to repent.  God’s kingdom is made up of those who follow Christ.  Jesus did not give an automatic pass to people because of their nationality.  He extended no exception to Pharisees because they were good Jews.  God has called all of us to repent.  Some Christians today believe that somehow there is a “pass” given to heaven to Jews because they were born Jewish.  I find nowhere in Scripture where Jesus taught such non-sense.  Further, much of the entire Old Testament deals with God’s dealing with Jews who had ceased to follow him who sought other alternatives than obedience to God.  It seems to me that there is no exemption from punishment according to the Prophets just because someone is Jewish.

What I am trying to say is that God wants a new people.  Those people are the “New Jews” who follow Jesus Christ.  Paul believed that a time would come in which many Jews would turn to Christ and be grafted back in to the Ancient Tree of Israel.  You don’t get to be grafted back in (whether you are Jewish or non-Jewish) without accepting the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

You may ask me about what happens to Jews and others who have died and not accepted Christ.  This question can be expanded to others who have not accepted  Christ, to innocents killed, to babies aborted and to those who died in the Holocaust.  I can not give you an answer.  However, I know that God loves the innocent, that he protects the orphan and welcomes the stranger and the foreigner who seek his protection.  I believe that God is.  I believe that God is good.  I believe that God is just and fair.  I believe God loves.  (See John 3:16).   I believe that mercy triumphs over judgment.  Honestly, I can not  give you a good answer but I rely upon God who is loving and caring and I trust that he has made a plan and will care for those who are innocent and wronged.

I encourage the Jew, the Arab, the American, the African, the Asian and all people to come to Jesus Christ.  Only in Christ will we find peace.  Only in Christ will we find unity, forgiveness and acceptance.  

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